Halloween and the Scientist

Shadows of a thousand years 
Rise again unseen,
Voices whisper in the trees
‘Tonight is Halloween!’
Dexter Kozen

These last few days, I have been doing some research on Halloween and found a poem that “chilled me to the bone.”   The poet was Dexter Kozen.  Who was he?  I didn’t have any clue.  Another mystery to solve!  It turns out that Dexter Kozen is an American theoretical computer scientist.  Among other things (and there are a lot of other things), he is known for his seminal work at the intersection of logic and complexity.  Was this really the person who penned this poem?  It didn’t seem possible.  That is, until I found out that he is also a guitarist, singer, and songwriter in the band, “Harmful if Swallowed.”  He is also the adviser for Cornell’s Rugby Football Club.

Tonight is Halloween – even Scientists are scared.

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

8 thoughts on “Halloween and the Scientist

  1. Love the photo and the poem. They both conjure up the spirit of Halloween for me. Dexter Kozen sounds an amazing man – a man of many faces. I do so enjoy your little snippets of enlightenment. Bless you.


    1. Thank you for your visit and for your encouraging comments. I’m sending you a cup of tea through the wires…. Dexter Kozen reminded me that we all have many talents, faces, possibilities.


    1. It was…it is a castle in the middle of the Scottish Highlands. When the mists swirled around my feet, I knew it was time to come in before it was too late!


  2. Halloween is an interesting time–I loved all the little ones (and older ones, too) with their costumes. I have enjoyed Lorna Dueck’s half hour on Sundays “Context with Lorna Dueck” She explores various subjects with candor and good sense. Last week she explored fear and horror with various authorities on the subject. Very good. Today she talked about the many hundreds of children in Canada waiting for adoption.


    1. I agree – Halloween has many facets to explore besides the costumes and candies. I’m going to check out Lorna Dueck’s program. Sounds interesting.


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