Education & Learning – Are they the same?

“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”

Albert Einstein

We have sold ourselves into a fast food model of education, and it’s impoverishing our spirit and our energies as much as fast food is depleting our physical bodies.” 

Sir Ken Robinson

The age old debate of whether education and learning are the same is gaining momentum. Never before has education been so valuable and yet, whether learning has occurred is now being questioned.  We have the technology that allows us to communicate and transfer knowledge across the globe in a matter of seconds; the possibilities for advancement are virtually limitless.  Yet, in our dangerously divided world, this potential can only be realized when our learning institutions raise the hopes and spirits of humanity.  Only then can we, as a global community, learn to seek peaceful solutions, embrace diversity and experience a renaissance.

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

20 thoughts on “Education & Learning – Are they the same?

    1. I know the names and faces of the teachers who made a difference in my life. Teaching methodologies have changed radically over the years. In my personal experience, however, it was the way in which the material was presented that determined the extent of my learning.


      1. One would hope for the better! And it is individuals like you who bring important issues to the forefront that are making the difference. Thanks for all of the efforts in creating a remarkable blog!


  1. I completely agree with you, as usual! Reading another of my favourite books this week – Alan Cohen’s A Deep Breath of Life, he mentions how ‘a vast library of knowledge is available at the touch of a fingertip’. He also muses on the unlimited opportunities for communication which have the potential to help us realise that our interests are joined. This leads to increased learning, and being able to move closer to wisdom and peace.

    This does not rule out the importance of education of course and I love spending time with my young relatives hearing about the various things they are working on. My 6 year old niece proudly told me last night that she was progressing from ‘orange’ reading books to ‘purple’ books. Priceless!


    1. I agree, we are making progress, especially since the need for “out of the box” thinking is increasingly critical to future sustainability. In Canada, some schools are migrating to a model that incorporates both home and traditional schooling, especially in the upper levels. For example, two courses taken via on-line at home (or the coffee shop) and the balance taken in classroom. I am certain the researchers are busy with statistical analysis to determine the efficacy of such models. Early indications suggest that on-line is in many ways more efficient and less costly. There is also less peer-to-peer comparison, and decreased judgement cues. For example, when my son was working on a math “game” the feedback did not include “no, you are wrong.” Instead, the computer voice would say, “let’s try that again.” I have added “A Deep Breath of Life,” to my to read list. Thank you so much for adding your insights.


      1. The Canadian approach sounds fascinating and I’m sure is likely to appeal to students, thereby engaging their learning appetites. We all know how much more interesting it is to learn creatively – there’s nothing worse than a ‘talk and chalk session’ when training. My favourite training course ever in the work place involved bean bags, bare feet and skipping ropes!


      2. That must have been quite a learning project that day. The one that I remember the most clearly was when I had to break a board with my bare hands, karate style. I have a picture of me with the two broken pieces. I think that the learning outcome was supposed to be that “we can do great things with focus.” The on-line learning will have several iterations over the next few years, but I think that we are well on our way to having integrated learning on a global scale. What brave new world we live in…


  2. I’ve noticed that those who have multiple degrees are very often incapable of formulating their own thoughts and opinions.

    Okay, this post and yesterday’s didn’t show up in my reader, so I unfollowed and refollowed you and it worked!


    1. Interesting point that speaks to the need to create learning environments that permit us to make mistakes. It is difficult to formulate your own ideas if you believe that they will be dismissed and marginalized. Sadly, we come to find that every other opinion is better than our own. I think that is why we are seeing an increase in plagiarism and short cuts to getting good marks. There was another quote by Sir Ken Robinson that I think applies to the discussion: “If you’re not prepared to be wrong, you’ll never come up with anything original.” BTW, I will be trying the “follow/unfollow” because there are a couple of the blogs I follow that don’t show up in the reader!!! Thank you so much for stopping by…


    1. Thank you so much for this link!!! It is the essence of the conversation. What do we really want to do? I have signed up! You have just made my entire day!!! Thank you…


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