Food – The Do’s & Don’ts

A Venice Market

“Life itself is the proper binge.”

Julia Child

According to the expects on New Year’s resolution etiquette, dieting and fitness were on the top of many people’s 2013 News Year’s resolution list.  It does not come as a surprise; it’s been on every New Year’s resolution list for as long as I can remember.  Pick up any magazine and you will find, somewhere in the pages, an article that will either tell you “what to” or “what not to” eat.   Should we have food rules?  The very thought leaves me unsettled.  For inspiration and a little advice, I turned to Julia Child, a chef who did not shrink from giving her opinion.  She said: “I think one of the terrible things today is that people have this deathly fear of food: fear of eggs, say, or fear of butter.  Most doctors feel that you can have a little bit of everything.”

The statistics are quite clear, however; North America is facing an obesity crisis.  Julia’s response: “As we say in the American Institute of Wine and Food, small helpings, no seconds.  A little bit of everything. No snacking.  And have a good time!”

Bon appétit!

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

32 thoughts on “Food – The Do’s & Don’ts

      1. Writers must write but how can they sustain on writing? And me I think need two more years of reading and dabbling with random writing before I make my claim. That day, I will be at a publisher’s office with a manuscript and a gun. He is free to choose.


      2. YES. That’s exactly what I expect you to do. Meantime I’ll keep you posted on my cooking venture and also my directorial debut. 2 short films and 3 music videos in 2013 and pending travel destinations. One month of Rehab….
        What are your thoughts on pottery? 😀


      3. Yes!!!
        Clanmother, Too many things to do. Fame and glory will follow, just like your post about a writer whose work published unedited many years after her death.
        This moment, we got to do, what excites us. Our inner happiness is prime most


  1. Absolutely. It works for me. All things in moderation. Some words of William Shakespeare come to mind: “There is nothing good or bad, but thinking makes it so.” It is our negative thoughts about food that cause the damage. We have been programmed to believe that certain foods are bad for us, therefore they are. We get what we expect. Believe it, and it is so. We need to change the programme.


    1. Oh Lizzie!! We are in the same choir, singing the same song. I am so used to hearing the “no.” I have had to rethink everything. Thank you for sharing your wisdom!


  2. Precisamente estoy leyendo un libro en el que dice que la obesidad en Estados Unidos no es debido a comer muchas grasas, si no a comer alimentos spuestamente sanos pero que en realidad no lo son porque son alimentados los animales, por las sustancias que tienen, etc., vaya que tienen mas Omega 6 que Omega 3. Habrá que comprar alimentos ecólogicos, ¿no crees?


    1. Estoy de acuerdo. Acabo de leer alarmantes estadísticas sobre la obesidad infantil en Canadá. Comemos demasiada grasa – el tipo equivocado de grasas. Yo soy principalmente un vegetariano con un poco de pollo orgánico. Puedo comprar comida orgánica, a pesar de que existen costos adicionales y problemas de etiquetado. Paso mucho tiempo en la computadora para el trabajo por lo que mis ojos están sobrecargados de trabajo. Mi médico me ha recetado suplementos de Omega 3. ¡Qué diferencia que ha hecho – mis ojos no son tan cansada.! Estoy muy contento de que se unió a la discusión y que nos conecta a través de las millas blogger. 2013 va a ser increíble.


  3. Oh Julia, I am disappointed. No seconds. Really? Just a little, pretty please. I have eaten all my vegetables. Kidding, of course. Obesity is a serious problem.


    1. I keep on thinking of Oliver Twist!!! There was another quote by Julia that I think would interest you: “In the 1960s, you could eat anything you wanted, and of course, people were smoking cigarettes and all kinds of things, and there was no talk about fat and anything like that, and butter and cream were rife. Those were lovely days for gastronomy, I must say…”

      I really don’t remember the obesity problem back then. Interesting, isn’t it…


      1. In my remembrance, twinkies and cheeseburgers were a once a week treat, not an everyday staple. Perhaps the cumulative effect of a few generations eating such stuff regularly is why the obesity problem is so visible now. That and a more sedentary “service economy”.


      2. You are so right. I remember that we went out for cheeseburgers on Sundays and Twinkies – we used to divide them. I spend most of my day in front of a computer so must plan for exercise time. I came from a long line of farmers/ranchers. I remember that everyone was physically fit without an extra ounce of fat. A friend of mine was on the Canadian Olympics Rowing Team many years ago. If I remember correctly, he said that when they trained, they had to eat at least 5,000 calories/day just to keep up with their physical efforts. I can only imagine what I would be like consuming 5,000 calories/day.


  4. Terrific conversation. Good food is always exciting conversation. Did I see mention of pottery? I know a good place to do pottery. Deep Cove, North Vancouver. They would be very happy to see you.


    1. Thanks for stopping by! I love quotes and have scraps of paper all over the place. I thought I should stop organizing them… You comments and visit are much appreciated.


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