Listening to Our Voice

Our Voice

“One advantage of talking to yourself is that you know at least somebody’s listening.”

Franklin P. Jones, Reporter & Humorist

Most discussions about listening are centered on listening to another person.  Rarely, do we consider are capacity to hear our own voice. Many times, we believe others before we trust our judgment or intuition. How foolish we are.

Duane Michals, American photographer known for his innovative use of photo-sequences and incorporating text to examine emotions and philosophy, once said, “Trust that little voice in your head that says ‘wouldn’t it be interesting if…’ and then do it.”

Let’s do it!

If you hear a voice within you say ‘you cannot paint,’ then by all means paint, and that voice will be silenced.”

Vincent Van Gogh

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

16 thoughts on “Listening to Our Voice

  1. Oh, I feel better now about my habit of talking to myself. It’s interesting that unless we make voice recordings we don’t get a chance to really listen to ourselves. My phone message often gives me a start when I hear it. For a minute I wonder, “Is that me?”


  2. I think listening to our inner voice is so important. If we can get beyond the incessant chatter internally and externally then there is something wise and calm always waiting there. I used to think “the still small voice of calm” referred to the voice of God when I was a child, but now I think it our own still small voice that is always there waiting if we learn to listen to it.

    And learning to trust our instincts, well that’s another thing …


  3. Just recently, this lil voice has taken form of a 4 inch boy, sits on my left shoulder, jumps from one place to another and returns. He never sees me in the eye when we talk, rather his eyes stay fixed on the pebbles he keeps juggling with. I’m offended!


  4. Talking to ones own self. A very good habit actually. It helps to sort out what is good and helps to leave behind those things of less importance.


    1. It does indeed!!! We have only so much time, so let’s spend it on the beautiful and creative!! Even the difficult moments have their own value…


    1. It seems our dear Vincent Van Gogh had a great deal to teach us. He gave us beauty to look at and inspiring thoughts to consider! A gift to us all….


    1. I find that we need to remind each other that these lessons are never fully explored – it takes a lifetime! I think that is what makes our journey all the more exciting. Thank you for your presence and comments.


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