World Water Day – Leaving No One Behind

March 22, 2019 celebrated World Water Day, which is the annual UN observance day that highlights the importance of freshwater. The day is used to advocate for the sustainable management of freshwater resources.  I am writing this on March 23, 2019 to reaffirm my commitment to participate in this important dialogue.

Whoever you are, wherever you are, water is your human right.

Water Day 2019 – This year’s call to action is to leave no one behind:

Sustainable Development Goal 6 is crystal clear: water for all by 2030. By definition, this means leaving no one behind. But today, billions of people are still living without safe water – their households, schools, workplaces, farms and factories struggling to survive and thrive.

Living Water Smart provides the B.C. Government’s vision for sustainable water stewardship and sets the direction for changes to water management and water use. These changes are crucial for adapting to climate change impacts and the pressures placed on water resources from a growing population and economy.

Water from Rebecca Budd aka ClanmotherA

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

29 thoughts on “World Water Day – Leaving No One Behind

  1. A wonderful connection to your world, with World Water Day – Leaving No One Behind, for without people like Lady Budd, our dear friend Rebecca, we would have nothing but;

    “ A Fading Voice ”
    ~ all but discernable ~

    I feel reverberate
    A sound that be
    All but discernible,
    Tho not quite dead,
    There be no doubt
    In not optimal state,
    Yet man so begs
    While fading voice
    Sadly abates,
    In time we hear
    That erudite mind
    Might effort mend,
    To save held dear
    Lifeblood amend,
    For air we breathe
    And water deemed
    ‘Tis equal to survive,
    Save our world ends!

    © Jean-Jacques Fournier

    Liked by 3 people

    1. To save held dear
      “Lifeblood amend,
      For air we breath
      And water deemed
      ‘Tis equal to survive,
      Save our world ends! “

      These are marvelous words, Jean-Jacques. A call to action, a reminder that we are entering survival mode – that when one person is left behind, we all suffer. Time is of the essence. I believe it is the artists, the poets, the writers who see the reality of our situation and will be pivotal for seeking positive outcomes for all. Thank you for sharing your insights and wisdom.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for your comments and for you visit – very much appreciated. Water is survival. Canada has 20% of the world’s fresh water, but that is deceptive – this from “ Canada has 7% of the world’s renewable fresh water. It is easy for Canadians to assume that they have an almost endless supply of clean, fresh water. After all, we’re often told that Canada has some 20% of the world’s total freshwater resources. However, less than half of this water — about 7% of the global supply — is “renewable”. Most of it is fossil water retained in lakes, underground aquifers, and glaciers.

      For Canada’s 30 million people — about half a percent of the world’s population — this is still a generous endowment. But, more than half of this water drains northward into the Arctic Ocean and Hudson Bay. As a result, it is unavailable to the 85% of the Canadian population who live along the country’s southern border. That means the remaining supply, while still abundant, is heavily used and often overly stressed.”

      Liked by 1 person

  2. What an important post. When I saw all the huge sky scrapers in your video, I could not help but think of all those people living there and the huge amount of water used daily. No wonder, even the countries around the world, are becoming concerned about good water for all. By the way, i loved your music background for the View from the Bridge.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So glad you liked the music. A very good point about the water consumption per household. Canadians are fortunate to have a fresh water supply, however our consumption is high compared to the rest of the world. It is easy to turn on the tap and think that we have an endless supply of water. This is not the case. There is good news, however for I believe there is a growing awareness of the need to conserve. It is a good beginning.

      “Despite improvements in household water conservation, Canada remains one of the largest per capita users of fresh water in the world.Footnote [1] Urban growth, industry expansion and climate change put pressure on Canadian cities’ ability to supply water to households. Managing water demand, and the financing of building and repairing water infrastructure, are a priority for many communities. Managing water use helps prevent a wide variety of environmental and economic problems, including water shortages, increased concentration of pollutants in water bodies, costly expansion of water and wastewater infrastructure, and increased energy consumption to pump and treat.”

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Thank you for reminding us not to take clean water for granted. Our lives depend on it. Back in the 1970s, my dad was part of a project sponsored by the Episcopal diocese of Vermont to provide the rural poor with clean water and safe sewage disposal. He did the work himself, with the help of a retired plumber. Giving people the simple gift of clean water was his ministry he was most proud of.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What a profound act of kindness. Many times we think that “making a difference” is found in large contributions that influence huge populations. I believe it is the small acts of kindness that, when combined, create a groundswell, a force so powerful it creates a tipping point that transforms the mindset of our communities, both local and global. The other day, my quote came from George Eliot: “What do we live for, if it is not to make life less difficult for each other.’ That thought exemplifies your father’s ministry. The simple gift of clean water, was an extraordinary gift of love. Hugs!

      Liked by 1 person

    2. Where have all those people gone, the likes of your father and ones of that calibre in my youth, so long ago? There still mind you but few like our friend Rebecca who regularly gives of herself in her time dedicated to her beautiful rescue articles like this post.

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Where have all those people gone, the likes of your father and ones of that calibre in my youth, so long ago? There still mind you but few like our friend Rebecca who regularly gives of herself in her time dedicated to her beautiful rescue articles like this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. So am I, Julie! Everything we do centre around water – up to 60% of our bodies are water. “Grateful!” It is a most excellent word to describe what we should feel. My father gave me a copy of Henry David Thoreau’s Walden. One of my favourite passages is “Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruits, and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.” Only when we see ourselves belonging to nature, will we be truly content and “grateful.” Hugs coming your way.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I think their lack of connection to the natural world is what I most worry about most with the “connected” generation. Ever since I was a young child, nature has replenished me and brought me joy. I can’t imagine an existence without it.


      2. I share your concern. We live within a world that offers connectivity as no other generation before us. And yet, we will never feel complete until we are engaged within nature.

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  5. B.C. is definitely in Canada’s forefront of a humane future. It always has been.
    Yet, in the USA, Flint Michigan, and other towns & cities are polluted beyond insanity. Thanks to corrupt corporate practices and corrupt imbecilic governments, it seems no hope has been embraced there.
    We have problems here in Ontario. $$$ is the crux of the problems.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh, Resa, how could we have come to this position! It really is tragic. When we don’t think of positive long term strategies we end up with long term disasters.

      We need to rethink everything we do – even in small ways. Did you see the latest news on road tax for cars.

      Whether we shop in our closets, recycle organics, walk to bike to work – we all are involved. I was reading that there are instant ways to reduce our personal carbon footprint: unplug devices, drive less, don’t buy “fast fashion” Plant a garden and eat local. I share your goal to reduce my carbon footprint. Many, many hugs.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. I just checked out the article. I’m for it! We are so selfish here. It’s rush hour, the road is jammed (I gave up my car years ago, I ride with friends, or my assistant))and 98% of the cars have only 1 person it. Huh?
        Maybe then people will carpool. Everyone pitches in for gas and tax.
        I do eat local! I bought lots of fruit in season. What we didn’t eat, I froze. In December I made 12 fruit pies, and froze those. We have 6 left.
        I know freezing takes energy, but for fruits in winter, it’s a way to stay healthy.
        I’m a strong supporter of Fashion with holes in it! However, the point is to buy new, and wear it until it’s dish rags or paint rags!
        Love the articles you’ve been posting. Vancouver is ahead in the green game!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Thank YOU for being a leader in the “green game!” It is a calling of the heart – to be united with nature, rather than trying the usual command and control approach. Remember the desiderata: “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence…you are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars….keep peace in your soul.”

        Liked by 2 people

  6. Thanks for reminding us all about a matter of such importance. Lovely video too, the picture reveals and wonderful sunny day 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I don’t know what happened but I seem to have cut parts of the comment. I think I meant to say “the pictures reveal a wonderful sunny day”. Actually, my sister is doing her thesis on water so you reminded me a lot of her with her comments. Is Vancouver starting to see some good Spring weather already?

        Liked by 1 person

      2. The tulips have come to bring colour to a misty, rainy day. I am fascinated by your sister’s thesis and hope to read it one day. Water is everything, it is our survival.

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