Sunday Reflection with Jean-Jacques Fournier

Welcome to Sunday Evening Reflection. I invite you to join me on a quiet walk along the Breakwater District, Victoria, British Columbia. The Poetry of Jean-Jacques Fournier accompanies my thoughts as I look out at the distant horizon.  


“ Singlehood ”

– rather in between –

I contemplate

The solitude
Of single life,
And find somehow
It’s rather in between
The then and now,
Like not too hot
Or not too cold,
A sort of midway
Life and death
Tho not so bold,
A kind of lazy comfort
That goes nowhere
In a most committed way…

Don’t get me wrong
That’s not to say
It’s all without reward,
Who can deny
The pleasurable sensation
Of unbroken blissful silence,
No need to share
Or patience held be there,
No threat of deprivation
Nor succulent seclusion,
A feast without an equal
For one-way conversations!

ode to a solitude awakening…

© Jean-Jacques Fournier

“Singlehood” – rather in between – by Jean-Jacques Fournier from Rebecca Budd aka Clanmother on Vimeo.

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

21 thoughts on “Sunday Reflection with Jean-Jacques Fournier

  1. “Of unbroken blissful silence,
    No need to share
    Or patience held be there,
    No threat of deprivation
    Nor succulent seclusion,”
    Oh, he is just like me, and YOU!
    “Succulent seclusion” and “blissful silence.”
    The captivating peace that comes from being alone in nature. I used to feel guilty that I liked this more than anything except my children. I don’t feel guilty anymore. I just seek it out and soak it up.
    Love to you Rebecca. You have the wild north coursing in your blood. I can feel it in you.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Jean-Jacques’s poetry has been an inspiration to me over the years. We are indeed kindred spirits. We fly on the wings of the wind and soar with jubilant expectation. The sun and rain carry our hopes and dreams, recognizing that we are children of earth longing for the connection of nature, for belonging, for completeness. Thank you for sharing the path…. Much love and many hugs!

      Liked by 2 people

  2. Thank you Rebecca, for this thoughtful gift, of your reading “Solitude” in your Sunday Evening Reflection. Now an old memory of having lived it, and its now and again recall that has me appreciate my good fortune of having found the life of a two way conversation!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Jean-Jacques for sharing your marvelous words and allowing me to recite your poetry. I am working on several others and will be connecting with you over the next few weeks. With warmest and most profound appreciation! Hugs to you and Marianne!

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  3. I enjoyed your Sunday reflection in shades of pale blue and gray, accompanied by Jean-Jacques’ poem. (I particularly liked the ending of the video when the sea gull, after following his solitary path, just decides to up and take flight.) The line in the poem that most resonated with me was “ode to a solitude awaking” because I’d never really thought of solitude of something that awakens, but, yes, it certainly does!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The sea gull taking flight was serendipity, which is a reminder that cell phone cameras capture our moments – so take the phone with you on walks (but shut of the incoming calls LOL). I have given a great deal of thought over the past couple of months on the idea of loneliness verses solitude. It seems that there is an internal conversation that must place for us to transition from loneliness to solitude. Perhaps that is the awakening. So glad you joined me!!! Hugs!!!

      Liked by 3 people

    1. How very well said. There are moments when we feel solitude, which is not the same as loneliness. There is a calmness, a recognition that we are both an individual and a collective – a sense that we are part of a greater journey that links the past with today, even as we contemplate what’s next. The two are not mutually exclusive. Thank you for joining me….many hugs!

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  4. Such a beautiful poem to go with the evocative images. I can so relate. Some may say that re-entering singlehood at middle age is sad, but I must say that I’m enjoying it, finding the wholeness within.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. “Wholeness within!” As I reflect back over my life, I believe that this is the state of being where we feel the most alive, the most in tune with the world around us. Wholeness, resilience, healing – all come from a place of solitude. Do you remember that you introduced me to Colette? This is one of my favourite quotes – “Be happy.
      It’s one way of being wise.” I had never connected happiness with wisdom before. Thank you for joining me on the breakwater. Many may hugs!

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  5. What an insightful and evocative poem! Adults and especially children need solitude for creative and critical thinking, and nature is quick access to that necessary part of our being. I agree completely that solitude isn’t loneliness! When we emerge from our cocoon of connection with nature, there are people all around us who require our attention and kindness. Who could be lonely with so many to love? Hugs!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I had goosebumps when I read your comments. “Who could be lonely with so many to love.” That’s is the answer to loneliness – giving love. When we are lonely, we want to feel love, to have others be our support, to understand what we are feeling. IF we reverse the process – we give love to someone else, then loneliness can be held at bay. And if we believe that we have no one to love, we can start with ourselves. Thank you for adding breadth and depth to my understanding of loneliness. Many hugs!

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    1. Thank you, my dear friend!!! Poetry, art, music – they are what make are lives remarkable. Jean-Jacques is an amazing poet – I’m in the middle of reading a few more of his poems to add to videos. He just published another book of poetry. Somehow I think poetry finds the poet. Thank you so much for your visit and comment – much appreciated. Hugs coming your way…

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  6. All these wonderful and positive reflections, with a variety of interpretations on the solitude of singlehood, (a word I coined when I wrote in in 1983 or 5) gives this poem a significance of worth, that in turn allows it to quietly edge in, at least within the border, qualifying as better than a good poem. ‘Tis proud I am to be its humble author, as its worth seems confirmed by you’re choosing to publish it, on your magnificent video, as well as honoring me with your marvelous reading of said Singlehood… Once more I thank you, dear friend, Rebecca!
    Thank you for this, dear friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear Jean-Jacques – thank you for opening the doors to poetry. 2019 was the year in which I felt a “marvelous awakening” to this form of communication. Poetry, much like all artistic undertakings, seems to take on new life when viewed through the experiences of readers. With words, rhythm, symbolism, the poet is the catalyst for contemplation and discovery, challenging and inviting us to pause, to think, to consider. We live with speed -zoom zoom. Poetry allows us to walk with confidence and purpose. Looking forward to 2020!!!


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