Earth Day 2022 – Invest in our Planet

April 22, 2022, the world commemorates Earth Day.   

Habitat Island, Vancouver Seawall, Olympic Village

Earth day is both a celebration and a call to action. 

Jane Goodall’s message landed in my inbox this morning confirming that this Earth Day, “it’s more important than ever for us to understand that every individual makes a difference.”

Climate change, sustainability, preserving and protecting our health, our families, and livelihoods – these words have profound relevance as we become more aware that our well-being is tied to each other and contingent upon each of us making a commitment to living in peace with our world.

My father introduced me to Henry David Thoreau when I was a teenager. I still have the book my father gave me those many years ago, which I take out every April 22 to read a passage in honour of Earth Day.

Henry David Thoreau influenced my views on living sustainably. Best known for his book Walden, a reflection on living simply and close to nature, Thoreau’s lasting contributions in the areas of natural history and philosophy continue to influence modern-day environmentalism.

Habitat Island, Vancouver Seawall, Olympic Village

According to Our World in Data, more than 4 billion people – more than half of the world – live in urban areas. A robust connection between nature and urbanization will be a critical element for maintaining biodiversity and well-being of all who call earth “home”.

According to The Nature Conservatory, ”urbanization has been a major driver of habitat loss over recent decades, but this trend can be shifted with better planning for sustainable urban growth and use of natural solutions, careful management of protected areas near cities, and integration of habitat into cities.”

Join me as I walk the Vancouver Seawall by Habitat Island, Olympic Village and experience nature in an urban setting.

Happy Earth Day 2022.

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

49 thoughts on “Earth Day 2022 – Invest in our Planet

  1. Thoreau is someone whom I only know by reputation: I need to read his actual words too – thanks for this introduction! I think many cities are getting better at valuing their wild spaces, but there’s still an awful long way to go

    Liked by 2 people

    1. City planners have certainly made great progress, but there is much to be done. We have bike lanes throughout the city which is progress. Yet, it is very difficult to bike to the grocery store in rain and snow and -35C winter weather (Canada loves winters)

      Henry David Thoreau is not a quick read. I take it in sections. But I have a feeling you have heard this quote from Walden:

      “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation. What is called resignation is confirmed desperation. From the desperate city you go into the desperate country, and have to console yourself with the bravery of minks and muskrats.


  2. Rebecca, VERY important thoughts from you, Jane Goodall, and Henry David Thoreau — and magnificent geese and skyline footage! (In the case of geese feet, webbed footage. 🙂 )

    Liked by 2 people

    1. You and Misty have the best lines: webbed footage. LOL! Both Henry and Jane were able to experience life in ways that are unavailable to most of us who have family and career responsibilities that make it difficult for us to live in isolation or engage in scientific studies. The good news is that we are finding creative ways of experiencing nature within cities and within our homes.

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  3. I’m always happy when somebody quotes Henry David Thoreau and Walden.
    I read Walden a few years ago and it has inspired me to put more effort into sustainability.
    In general, I think that it’s a great book to try and think about what’s really important in life.

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    1. I am delighted your joined me in celebrating Earth Day 2022 Walden is best read in incremental stages. It seemed like I should take time reading, rather than skim quickly through the book.

      “Most of the luxuries, and many of the so called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind. With respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have ever lived a more simple and meagre life than the poor.” Henry David Thoreau, Walden.

      I must confess that I really appreciate having a tea kettle able to make me hot water. So then I ask myself – how do we live a simple life within a complex interconnected world. I continue to learn….

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      1. Can you believe that? When I first read this quote, I liked it so much that I copied it on a small notebook where I keep all of my favorite quotes.
        Living a simple life is never easy and we all must continue to learn.

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    1. I always feel a sense of exhilaration when I walk among trees. I think it is the heightened level oxygen that pervades the air. Have you read the book “The Hidden Life of Trees” by Peter Wohlleben. After reading even a portion of that book, I came to see trees as a community. Here is a quote that you would find interesting: “There are more life forms in a handful of forest soil than there are people on the planet. A mere teaspoonful contains many miles of fungal filaments. All these work the soil, transform it, and make it so valuable for the trees.” I continue to learn and learn and learn!

      Liked by 3 people

  4. What a beautiful and most touching post you haven presented here, Rebecca:) I remember how deeply I had been touched by Thoreau’s way of life, without material wealth but with beautiful nature all around him and I was also most impressed by Jane Goodall and her studies of chimpanzees. Many thanks and all the best.

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    1. The first time I heard about Jane Goodall was when I was with a group of students of the University of Winnipeg who had come up to Northern Manitoba for an archeological project. They had to hire a local high school student as part of the funding so I was the lucky one. I remember reading Jane Goodall’s book on a sandy beach surrounded by water and forests (we called it “the bush”) and thinking – everyone has an opportunity to connect with earth. If Jane could make a difference, so could us all!! Many thanks for joining me at Habitat Island and celebrating Earth Day with me. Hugs!

      Liked by 2 people

  5. In The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, Douglas Adams wrote “For instance, on the planet Earth, man had always assumed that he was more intelligent than dolphins because he had achieved so much—the wheel, New York, wars and so on—whilst all the dolphins had ever done was muck about in the water having a good time. But conversely, the dolphins had always believed that they were far more intelligent than man—for precisely the same reasons.”

    Indeed, dolphins managed to evolve to being the top of the food chain in the water (orcas are dolphins) while maintaining a sustainable ecosystem for many many millennia. Something to learn from them?

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Many thanks, Endless Weekend for celebrating Earth Day 2022 and for your insightful comments!! I have often wondered if humanity is the most advanced creature on this planet. We can learn from the dolphins/orcas!

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  6. Happy Earth Day, Rebecca. This is a lovely post and Canada does a lot to try and make peace between people and the environment. Unfortunately, changing to environmentally friendly systems costs a lot of money and unless the wealthier countries help the developing countries, it will never happen on a world-wide basis due to financial constraints.

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    1. Robbie – how very well said. The earth belongs to all and is not subdivided into countries, states, towns and villages. What happens on the other side of the world affects my side of the world. Environmental concerns/climate change is what I call a “wicked” problem which is defined as a social or cultural problem that’s difficult or impossible to solve—normally because of its complex and interconnected nature. Wicked problems must be solved as a community, which in this case, is a global community. We are in this together! Many thanks for celebrating Earth Day with me.

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      1. Hi Rebecca, I wish our world leaders could understand this as eloquently as you do. I listen to some British influences who say that poverty stricken wood cutters in South America must just stop their jobs because they are damaging the environment and find something else to do. That is such a frustrating comment – what other jobs? The wood cutter is probably supporting 20 people on his tiny salary.

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      2. And therein lies the conundrum, Robbie. It is so easy to ask others to sacrifice their livelihoods, when we should be focusing on systemic solutions. Environmental issues need all of our participation.

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  7. ‘April 22, Earth Day marks the anniversary of the birth of the modern environmental movement in 1970.’

    I do believe, Rebecca, we have come a long way since then! We often think of the ‘whole’ when considering the changes required. However, to my mind it really comes down to each of us individually; the small changes, the heightened awareness that take our own deeds into consideration.

    Each of us has a responsibility to do the best we can within our own tiny sphere! After all, without the micro changing, the macro remains stagnant.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. How very said, Carolyn: “to my mind it really comes down to each of us individually; the small changes, the heightened awareness that take our own deeds into consideration.” It is so easy to think that our actions do not make a difference, but if we all take responsibility it becomes a ground swell that pushes us to find viable solutions. I believe strongly in the power of one to change the world. To be a force for change gives me great comfort. There are many Kindred Spirits that share of desire to care for our earth.

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    1. We have been experiencing very cold weather this spring in Vancouver. One night the low temperature broke the 1937 record for April. And today, I read that Victoria broke a record as well. We are bundling up!!! Thank you for celebrating Earth Day with me!!!

      Liked by 1 person

  8. This is a beautiful poem, and so well read! ! Thank you for sharing! The videos you shared are lovely! ! I love the photos of the birds walking, and then. swimming in the calm water obviously enjoying each other!! We had a really wonderful Easter weekend! ! And a lovely Earth Day! !

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I will never forget the unsigned editorial that a local community newspaper (The Surrey Now-Leader) printed just before Earth Day 2017, titled “Earth Day in need of a facelift”. Varied lengths of the same editorial, unfortunately, was also run by some sister newspapers, all owned by the same news-media mogul who also happens to be an aspiring oil refiner.

    It opined that “some people would argue that [the day of environmental action] … is an anachronism”, that it should instead be a day of recognizing what we’ve societally accomplished. “And while it [has] served us well, in 2017, do we really need Earth Day anymore?”

    Until reading this, I had never heard anyone, let alone a mainstream news outlet, suggest we’re doing so well as to render Earth Day an unnecessary “anachronism”. Considering the sorry state of the planet’s natural environment, I still find it one of the most absurd and irresponsible acts of editorial journalism I’ve witnessed in my 35 years of newspaper consumption.

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Well done as always, dear Rebecca. Though I might say if there would be Earth Days, it may give us hope not only to rescue this wonderful and unique present but to save our future! 🤗🙏

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  11. Happy Earth Day Rebecca!
    I was invited to an Art Earth Day celebration. My Art Gowns were invited.
    Thing is the drive there & back will NOT be an Earth day happening. It feels hypocritical to waste the amount of fuel I would have to, to celebrate. Will stay home and eat sandwiches for dinner! 🌎🌍🌏

    Liked by 3 people

    1. A very good point, Resa. I think that we need to consider travel in our calculation of our carbon footprint. There is a great deal of talk about the NFTs/artwork. Some creatives are thinking twice about this form based on the amount of energy consumed. When you have time, check out this link:

      Here is a quote form this article:

      “It’s very difficult to calculate exactly how much responsibility the NFT industry should take for Ethereum’s carbon emissions. Ethereum was going to run with or without NFTs. But with the growing demand for digital art, NFT buyers and sellers are becoming liable for an increasing share of Ethereum’s total energy use, and some artists are starting to think twice.

      The French digital artist, Joanie Lemercier, recently cancelled the sale of six works after calculating the associated energy costs. The sale would use, in just ten seconds, enough electricity to power the artist’s entire studio for two years.”

      Liked by 3 people

      1. Wow! That’s just crazy. ten seconds…or 2 years? We are taking our lives backwards, by pushing them forward.
        I’ve been looking for the Jeremy Irons piece I wanted to send you. I can’t find it, and spent way to much time listening to some of the many poems and works he’s recited. He has a unique voice and brilliant elocution!
        Thanks for Daffodils!

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      2. I adore him!
        First time I met him was at an awards show. I was a junior in wardrobe I got to shine his shoes.
        Second time, I was the Designer on a Showtime movie. He shone my life!

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  12. Beautiful! Where would we be without the beauty of the natural world? God has blessed us with so much…mountains and valleys, rivers and oceans, stars and mysteries fathoms deep in the ocean. The blessings are without end! We must each do our part to help the planet. Every little bit matters.

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  13. Beautiful read, Rebecca. Vancouver seems to have done a lovely job of combining nature into its cityscape. Thanks for the lovely Earthday post. I wish you some gorgeous weather and an opportunity to enjoy and celebrate.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you for joining me on the Vancouver Seawall, Diana. It was the march of the geese – everyone in line and happy to be together.

      After this procession, I went home and looked up the correct terms. Here is what I found. The term “goose” may refer to either male or female. But when the word “goose” is used when there is a pair, goose refers to a female and gander to the male. Of course, I knew that the young were referred to as goslings. When geese come together on the ground they are called a gaggle and in flight they are called a skein, a team, or wedge. But there is more! When they fly close together, they are called a plump.

      I did not know this before. I continue to learn and learn and learn.

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