A Humble Spirit

I was visiting Henrietta’s Hippo and was inspired by her thoughts on humbleness.  I have heard of eating humble pie, which seems as if someone is going through some type of penance.  I have heard of a humble home, which has the connotation that someone is living in gentile poverty. The word “humble” seems to imply weakness, even though we all would be quick to deny that definition.  But I don’t see anyone going out to buy a humble car, a humble coat, a humble bike.  This week will celebrate humbleness.

“Pride slays thanksgiving, but a humble mind is the soil out of which thanks naturally grow.  A proud man is seldom a grateful man, for he never thinks he gets as much as he deserves.”

Henry Ward Beecher

Henry Ward Beecher (1813 -1887) was a prominent Congregationalist clergyman, social reformer, abolitionist, and an advocate of Women’s suffrage, temperance and Darwin’s theory of evolution. Even today, some would consider him too liberal.  To me, he would continue to challenge the status quo…

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

14 thoughts on “A Humble Spirit

    1. I agree – it is a rare and admirable quality. For me, it is rather difficult to define because it presents itself in different forms. But I know instinctively when I see it… Thank you so much for stopping by for a visit!!


  1. What is the definition of “humble”? What is humble’s opposite? Is is like dark/light, good/bad, black/white. I think Henry Ward Beecher’s connection–humble/proud is the closest. Biblical references seem to connect humbleness, among other things, to a gentle spirit.


    1. A gentle spirit – as you know, is something that I continue to work on, given my propensity to speak the truth, as I see it (of course). I agree the humble/proud connection are opposites.


  2. As ever, your post is wonderfully thought provoking. What does ‘humble mean indeed? My thoughts instinctively turned to the Tao Te Ching – my translation does not include the word ‘humble’, but the concept of ‘humility’ seems to me to be in the same territory. I look forward to this week’s dialogue as usual.


    1. Your instincts and mine match. What a great place to go…Tao Te Ching. (Note to self – must learn Mandarin) “Accomplish but do not boast, accomplish without show, accomplish without arrogance, accomplish without grabbing, accomplish without forcing.” Lao Tzu


  3. Thank you for a good and inspiring post!

    Quite funny actually, I was just thinking about humbleness earlier on today. I tried to discover if I’m a humble person, and when was the last time I truly felt humble. (I realized that it was when I completed one of my very first marathons in August, that was a truly humbling experience!)

    Humbleness is admirable and it can take you far.


    1. And thank you for stopping by for a visit and adding your wisdom to the conversation. Well said! What I especially like is that you have linked physical effort with humble – a profound thought, at any age. Running a marathon is not a one day event – it takes months to work up to the run – with a fit body and a focused mind. Victory is not being first in any race – it is about participating in the race.


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