The Foodie Intellectual


“Don’t eat anything your great-grandmother wouldn’t recognize as food.” 
Michael Pollan

A friend once told me that she watched the food channels to pick up ideas because “one day” she would have the time to cook and bake.  Over the years, the amount of time spent in the kitchen has dwindled.  We have introduced substitute products that promise the benefits of excellent taste, limited preparation and virtually no clean-up.  Our transition to fast food has been gradual and, arguably based on our desire to spend more quality time with our children, given that in most families both parents work.

Michael Pollan has been described as the “liberal foodie intellectual” by the New York Times.  He has argued that what most North Americans buy in supermarkets, fast food stores and restaurants is not real food. He advises: “Don’t eat anything incapable of rotting.”

My takeaway:   I need to put on my “research hat.”   I have placed two books by Michael Pollan – “In Defence of Food” and The Omnivore’s Dilemma” – on my reading list for 2013.  I would welcome any other suggestions.

“The single greatest lesson the garden teaches is that our relationship to the planet need not be zero-sum, and that as long as the sun still shines and people still can plan and plant, think and do, we can, if we bother to try, find ways to provide for ourselves without diminishing the world.” 

 Michael Pollan, The Omnivore’s Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

21 thoughts on “The Foodie Intellectual

    1. I have heard of this movement! And I am quite certain that Vancouver would have a community. With all of our flourishing city gardens, there is something happening…Thanks for the suggestion!!!


  1. I’m very lucky that Mr T does the vast majority of cooking in our house. He prides himself on avoiding pre-prepared food, not least because delicious, fresh fare can be produced so quickly and simply. Easy for me to say, though, I know!! 🙂


    1. You are very lucky!!!! I think that we are influenced to think that creating home cooked meals take too much time. As you noted, fresh fare can be produced quickly. Say hello to Mr. T!!!


      1. Mr T says hello back! He completely agrees with you and adds a further point – that it is a false economy not to cook with fresh ingredients, especially where children are concerned. If they are given pre-prepared food, the effects this has on them does not lead to good outcomes for them or quality time with them.


      2. I agree – the outcomes are devastating. The statistics point to the fact that our health care costs will soar because of our eating patterns. And this is secondary to the cost of human endeavors. How can our society function when so many are experiencing health concerns. Health is the greatest gift!


  2. Cooking, baking, freezing–there are so many nice ways to fix food. I have always enjoyed cooking. But, now I live alone and there are two things that I buy prepared for me–a veggie tray and fresh fruit tray. For me, it is wise and economical-less wastage.


    1. A very good point. When you don’t have the responsibility of cooking for someone else, there is a tendency to grab food on the run. What a great idea!!!


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