Happy Canada Day

July 1st is a special day for Canadians. We are celebrating the anniversary of July 1, 1867 when we became a Dominion. The Constitution Act, 1867 (then called the British North America Act, 1867) united our three separate colonies of Canada, Nova Scotia and New Brunswick into a single Dominion.

Join me on a walk along the Vancouver Seawall and meet up with my friends, the family of Canadian Geese. It seems they know how to enjoy a day of relaxation even when they are positioned on the edge of the busy bike-path

“My dream is for people around the world to look up and to see Canada like a little jewel sitting at the top of the continent.” Tommy Douglas, Father of Medicare, Premier of Saskatchewan 1944-1961

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

16 thoughts on “Happy Canada Day

    1. Thank you for joining our celebration. You would be very pleased to know that our first Prime Minister, John A Macdonald, was from Glasgow. We saw the plaque that commemorated this fact on our visit to Glasgow when we attended the Worlds Bagpipe competition. Alexander Mackenzie, our second Prime Minister, was also of Scottish descent. Tommy Douglas (the quote in the post) was born in Falkirk Scotland. And then there are the universities: Simon Fraser University, Dalhousie University. And the list goes on. So it seems that we have a huge extended family. Most people think that our generation was the first to experience living in a global world. I have a feeling that we have always found a way to travel the world. Sending love and hugs back your way!

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  1. A little far for joining you in that walk, but in spirit as well as in mind, assuredly I was there. Sorry for the delayed reaction, but we here in the east have been in a historic record, melt down, heat wave for more than a week with a daily 40 plus degree of heat.
    I’ve a feeling Mister Summer Weathervane is attempting to compete with Jack Frost’s 40 below winter levels, we have been enduring these last few winters. Despite these two torturers, man will and has survived worst, so far! I do hope you enjoyed your walk.

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    1. I heard that you are experiencing a heat wave on your side of Canada. Vancouver as you know is located in a rain forest so we have an abundance of liquid sunshine. You will not be surprised that our umbrella shops enjoy a steady business throughout the year. Whenever we do experience a heat wave, I have discovered that umbrellas are also an excellent cover from the sun. Take care of yourself – keep cool. Happy Canada Day – celebrating our great nation every day of the year.


  2. Happy belated Canada Day! Canada is a jewel, and you are a gem.
    You know, I had the honour and joy of working with Tommy Douglas’ daughter on a Showtime film. It was fabulous designing her character’s costumes. Shirley Douglas is a rare talent. She was married to Donald Sutherland, and her son is Kiefer Sutherland.
    Anyway, it felt like working with royalty! ❤

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    1. What a wonderful opportunity to work with Shirley Douglas. I remember going through Weyburn Saskatchewan (my parents lived in Saskatchewan for a few years) and thinking that Tommy Douglas lived here and how he changed the lives of all Canadians. The Douglas Family story would make an wonderful mini-series. Happy Canada Day – we live in a wonderful country. Every day is Canada Day!!

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