Come Walk in a Garden

Orange flower in a summer garden.

January 2019, the idea of a starting a podcast came to me when I was scanning the news over morning coffee.

Summer flowers and plants in a garden

Ideas are strange things for they come out of nothingness, energizing thoughts into patterns that coalesce into something that appears to have been a natural occurrence. Serendipity seems to be waiting on the sidelines ready to conjure the circumstances to bring the idea into reality. For me, it was friend who sent me a link to a podcaster who featured her short story submission on his podcast. I was inspired by the presentation.

Podcasts have the potential to be a space for storytelling, a place to share ideas, experiences and memories.

Sun dial in a summer garden

The name, Tea Toast & Trivia, was a combined effort with my sister, Sarah. I wanted “tea and toast” which comes from a long-time tradition that dates back to the 1840’s when Anna, the seventh Duchess of Bedford invited friends to join her in the afternoon for tea, toast and conversation.

Sarah came up with the word “trivia” because trivia is what makes life interesting.

Orange flower in a summer garden.

On March 10, 2019, I held my breath and pressed the publish button on my first podcast entitled, “Freedom in the Delay.” I had entered into the unknown.

Tonight I want to thank my remarkable guests who have shared their stories, poetry, writing, insights, and wisdom. And to those who listen in, thank you for putting the kettle on and adding to the conversation.

There are many conversations waiting for our arrival.

Until next we meet, safe travels wherever your adventures lead you.

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

40 thoughts on “Come Walk in a Garden

    1. Many thanks, Liz! That January morning, I said to Don, surely there are better stories to start my day. He replied – there is – you just have to find them. And that was the “ah ha” moment. Sending hugs and more hugs along with my gratitude.

      Liked by 3 people

  1. Thank you for the short introduction and history of “Tea, Toast and Trivia” This little history of the beginning is very interesting to me, I read it several times. You and your sister, Sarah, make a good intelligent pair for a podcast such as this. I am looking forward to the future of this. it will contain many original and interesting stories. I really enjoyed the video and the artwork that you used, it really made the beautiful trees, greenery and flowers come to life.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. It is always lovely to walk into such beautiful nature. Thank you, dear Rebecca, and I know and like your podcast; it is cosy with worm talking.
    PS: as I looked for the word; trivia, I found a similar in German: Kaffee Klatsch! 😉😅 Have an excellent start to the new week.💖

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Many thanks, Alaedin for introducing me to to the word: Kaffeeklatsch! It is a perfect complement to TTT: “an informal social gathering for coffee and conversation.” I am enjoying a cup of coffee right now!!

      Liked by 2 people

  3. Our dear friend Rebecca,
    thanks a lot for telling the story of the beginning of TTT. We very much like to listen to exciting topics well presented in your podcasts.
    Great pictures of the garden 👍
    With hugs from the hot coast of North Norfolk
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Many, many thanks for sharing your experience and wisdom on TTT. Your friendship over the years has been an invaluable source of inspiration. You reminded me that conversations and connections give meaning to the present while expressing the universal hopes and aspirations of humanity. Sending many hugs and love from the Budd family to our dear friends, the Fab Four of Cley.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. My dear friend, Dave! You were there from the very beginning, always providing wonderful conversations, and positive comments. One of the most exciting podcasts was when Misty agreed to be a guest. Don and I are looking forward to discussing “cats in literature” with you and Misty.

      Liked by 3 people

    1. Colleen – I am beyond excited that we connected. Your encouragement and support of poetic journeys has given me confidence to take a deep breath and enter the world of “poetry” – an unknown territory. Exciting!!

      Liked by 2 people

  4. Lady Budd, I admire your willingness to experiment years ago with a podcast. Thanks for showcasing beauty in a world that wants to push fear and ugliness.

    Yay, for nature–and for Tea, Toast, and Trivia. Love it, Rebecca!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you, Marian, for your support of life-affirming conversations. My goal is to encourage a deep and profound awareness of our personal journeys. I find that when stories are given voice, there are emotional nuances that come through. Sending hugs along with my gratitude.

      Liked by 2 people

  5. A delightful introduction. Somehow though, despite my daughter having an award winning podcast (Tales from the Tannoy), I just haven’t got into podcasts. I can’t work out how to source ones of interest, though I know there must be hundreds, or when to listen to them – I still seem to be a BBC Radio 4 kind of person. I need to get a grip and work out how it’s done ….

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Podcasts are growing exponentially – in audio form and video. The statistics confirm that we like to connect, not only with our local community, but with global community. For me, podcasting has been a wonderful experience. Many thanks for joining me in the garden, Margaret.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. I adore your elan, Rebecca!
    Your joie de vivre is contagious. Thank you for all of the art and arts information you have curated on your blogs. No form of art escapes you. TT&T is my go to podcast, when I have time.
    It’s been crazy here this summer, and hopefully I will have more time to visit TT&T in the coming weeks.
    This is one heckuva beautiful “Thank you”! Thank you!
    How is War and Peace coming along?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. This is your busy, exciting time, Resa! What I love about blogging/podcasting is that the conversations are there when you are able to connect. I have been enjoying your mural treasure hunts that have me exploring more about the artists. I am fascinated by their ability to think spatially. As for War & Peace – I am trotting along and on schedule to finish at the end of the year. Only then, will I permit myself to watch the BBC miniseries. But I have watched the trailer! I couldn’t help myself.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. LOL!!!
        What a beautiful shot. I should watch the mini-series.
        I just need to recover from all the TV I watched to vote for the Emmys. A good old fashioned detox is needed!

        Liked by 2 people

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