Honouring the Chinook Salmon

Welcome aboard the TransLink Vancouver Seabus, my favourite way to cross the Burrard Inlet. The 12-minute scenic ride takes me from Waterfront Station in downtown Vancouver to Lonsdale Quay in North Vancouver.   Each ferry can seat up to 195 passengers at a time and departs every 15 minutes during the day, in sunshine orContinue reading “Honouring the Chinook Salmon”

Vancouver City Hall Community Garden

Hello and welcome to a walking reflection. Vancouver, British Columbia has over 100 community gardens and orchards located in city parks, on schoolyards and on private property.  Today, I am heading to the community garden at Vancouver City Hall on Cambie and West 12th Avenue. The Vancouver Food Strategy is a plan to create aContinue reading “Vancouver City Hall Community Garden”

Man In Motion

“I honestly believe that my best work is in front, not behind me. I am driven by a deep passion and need to make a difference and leave this world a little better than when I arrived. That’s what keeps me going.” Rick Hansen Whenever I pass by the grounds of the Vancouver Hospital, IContinue reading “Man In Motion”

All Aboard

It’s January which means resolution time. And of course, my exercise program is firmly in place, set to begin tomorrow, or the next day or the next.  You know how it is when the winter sets in and the tea, cozy chair and stack of books are in desperate need of our immediate attention. ButContinue reading “All Aboard”

O Tannenbaum!

“ O Christmas Tree O, Christmas Tree, Your branches green delight us. O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree, Your branches green delight us. They’re green when summer days are bright; They’re green when winter snow is white.” Vancouver’s Christmas tree, from what I witnessed when it was being assembled in the Vancouver Art gallery plazaContinue reading “O Tannenbaum!”

The Future is Now

We received the City of Vancouver’s notice a few weeks ago in the mail. There would be lane closure on West 1st Avenue to support a public event to be held between February 18 – March 3, 2019.  ELA was coming to our city. This past week, Vancouver hosted a free Autonomous Shuttle Demonstration. ELA,Continue reading “The Future is Now”