The Spice of Life



“He who controls the spice controls the universe.” 
Frank Herbert, Dune

Granville Island has been called the “Stomach of Vancouver.”  When you walk through the doors, breathe deeply to inhale the aromas of fresh fruit, vegetables, coffee, bread and spices.  From the beginning, food and spices have formed a strong bond to create hearty soups, zesty meat dishes, and decadent sweets.

Spices have a mysterious glamour because we connect them to the markets and bazaars of faraway, exotic lands. Spices traveled the routes between historic civilizations in Asia, Northeast Africa and Europe.  Cinnamon, cassia, cardamom, ginger and turmeric were known in the ancient Eastern World before they trickled into the Middle East and then finally to the West.  The names of these routes were as fascinating as the spices that came along their corridors via ocean voyages to India and Sri Lanka, and the overland caravan routes through Egypt and the Suez.

International trade has brought the best of the world into our grocery and specialty stores.  More significantly, the global marketplace has accumulated a vast amount of knowledge and experience that is available everyone. Diversity and cultural distinctions are the gifts that spur innovation and creativity – not only with food but in every area of endeavour.

Published by Rebecca Budd

Blogger, Visual Storyteller, Podcaster, Traveler and Life-long Learner

26 thoughts on “The Spice of Life

    1. Can you imagine a life without pepper? Granville Island used to be the Industrial Site of Vancouver in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. There has been a complete changeover. Artists, Crafts, Theater, Restaurants and Bakeries. It makes me wonder what it will look like 100 years from now…but that is for another generation to decide. I like our choice…


    1. Yes, it is! Way before the emergence of the West. History has so many stories to tell us if only we had more time. It is difficult living in one time frame but wanting to know about all the others that came before. There is not a moment to waste. I am so glad that we connected over the blogger miles! I appreciate your visit and comments.


  1. If it’s one thing I remember learning about in history or geography or whatever it was I was studying in grade school….it was the term Spice Islands.

    My husband is a spice freak. I might just take a picture of our spice cupboard. Probably could get a good post about it. lol

    And do I ever need a good post. 🙂


    1. Ahhh… The romance of the Spice Islands. Even the term “spice” seems magical. I would love to see a picture of your spice cupboard. I’ll be on the lookout for a post.


  2. Ooooh – I enjoyed those Dune books. And the silk road in ‘olden days’ – how exotic and deliciously dangerous it must have been. You and I on camels in saris and veils transporting all our cinamons and saffrons across the desert – now that’s a thought 🙂


      1. I’d like to think we would dismount gracefully and go and eat Turkish delight on beautiful carpets and cushions. But somehow I suspect we would be all creaky and in need of a bath and a cup of tea….


  3. The love of spice! We buy them from the supermarket or even from the corner store for a modest price. It is hard for us to believe that spices could be used to ransom a king


    1. Life is full of surprises and adventures. Lots of spice to fill our days. It is a perfect Sunday in Vancouver with lots of sunshine and no rain in sight. Thank you for stopping by for a visit! Ci vediamo a domani.


    1. Vielen Dank für dieses schöne Video. Vor vielen Jahren lebte ich in Alberta, Kanada, bevor ich nach Westen zog nach British Columbia. Kanada ist ein außergewöhnliches Ländern. So viel Land, Bäume, Seen und Flüssen. Ich schätze Ihren Besuch!


    1. Granville Island will still be here when you come back for a visit!! The tea shop has expanded since you were here, but the bakeries remain the very same – still baking those delectable goodies.


    1. You would love meandering through Granville Island, Lauren! Over Christmas there were Chestnuts roasting just at the front entrance. Delicious aroma!


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