The Missing Piece

When I walk to a favourite bakery, I chose a path that will take me by “The Missing Piece” mural by the artist iHeart. There is a positive energy that comes from the message of a young girl finding a missing piece and reaching up on her tiptoes to find its rightful place in theContinue reading “The Missing Piece”

April 27, 2020 The Gift of Days

“When the rain comes, I will remember today because I have taken photos to remind me of Spring.” Those were my words on April 27, 2020, when I walked a nature path on a crisp, late afternoon. It was the time when day surrenders its light to the coming night, leaving a mellow hue asContinue reading “April 27, 2020 The Gift of Days”

Sunday Evening Reflection: Through a Forest Wilderness

“The clearest way into the Universe is through a forest wilderness.” John Muir The Lynn Headwaters Regional Park, in North Vancouver, British Columbia has over 50 kilometers of trails that lead deep within the dense forest. Some trails can only be made by those who are experienced hikers, possessing the level of physical fitness andContinue reading “Sunday Evening Reflection: Through a Forest Wilderness”

Sunday Reflection: Walking the Red Willow Trail

“There comes . . . a longing never to travel again except on foot.” Wendell Berry, Remembering I live in Vancouver.  It has been my home for many years, and it is highly likely that I will grow old in a city that has always been kind to me. And yet, St. Albert, Alberta, theContinue reading “Sunday Reflection: Walking the Red Willow Trail”