Sunday Evening Reflection: Acoustic Anvil: A Small Weight to Forge the Sea

“Nothing endures but change.”Heraclitus Every city has its legends and histories. One of Vancouver’s legends happened in Leg-in-Boot Square, Vancouver 1887, when a human leg still strapped in a boot was reported to the local constabulary. July 2018, the “Acoustic Anvil: A Small Weight to Forge the Sea” gave a hearty nod to Leg-in-Boot square,Continue reading “Sunday Evening Reflection: Acoustic Anvil: A Small Weight to Forge the Sea”

The Unsolved Mystery of Leg-in-Boot

The year 1887. They found a human leg trapped in a boot. As the story is remembered, the leg washed up on the shore of False Creek. No one claimed it, even though it was prominently displayed in the local police station for all to view. No one showed up or even appeared to beContinue reading “The Unsolved Mystery of Leg-in-Boot”