Sunday Evening Reflection: Acoustic Anvil: A Small Weight to Forge the Sea

“Nothing endures but change.”Heraclitus Every city has its legends and histories. One of Vancouver’s legends happened in Leg-in-Boot Square, Vancouver 1887, when a human leg still strapped in a boot was reported to the local constabulary. July 2018, the “Acoustic Anvil: A Small Weight to Forge the Sea” gave a hearty nod to Leg-in-Boot square,Continue reading “Sunday Evening Reflection: Acoustic Anvil: A Small Weight to Forge the Sea”

Sunday Evening Reflection: Transits and Returns

“Transits and Returns brings together the work of 21 Indigenous artists from across the Great Ocean and offers a closer look at what connects their practices but also how they are distinct.” Vancouver Art Gallery What better way to begin the week than with a visit to the Vancouver Art Gallery? Five Indigenous curators: TarahContinue reading “Sunday Evening Reflection: Transits and Returns”

We Are Story

My father passed eight years ago. His last request was that I tell the stories. I made that promise without fully understanding the definition of stories. What stories? Over the years, I have come to recognize that he was speaking about a wider narrative, one that integrates the past with our current reality. A storyContinue reading “We Are Story”