Poetry in the Evening with Robbie Cheadle

Welcome to Poetry in the Evening. I am honoured that Robbie Cheadle has given me permission to recite her poem, “We love you, Daddy, from her book “BEHIND CLOSED DOORS, a collection of unusual poems. This poem reminds me of my Father, who passed several years ago. Even now, the memories of our conversations, whichContinue reading “Poetry in the Evening with Robbie Cheadle”

Sunday Evening Reflection: Shh…The Herons are Nesting

Beacon Hill Park in Victoria, British Columbia brings the abundance of nature into vibrant city life. Situated along the shore of Juan de Fuca Strait, the 200 acres of pristine parkland was originally set aside as a protected area in 1858 by Sir James Douglas, governor of the Colony of Vancouver. Beacon Hill Park’s traditional name,Continue reading “Sunday Evening Reflection: Shh…The Herons are Nesting”

Sunday Evening Reflection: The Moss Lady

“Even a soul submerged in sleep is hard at work and helps make something of the world.”  Heraclitus, Fragments Sleep is our best friend, bringing us the gifts of good health and well-being and allowing us to live our best life. In our joy of being awake, we cannot forget that sleep allows us manyContinue reading “Sunday Evening Reflection: The Moss Lady”

Sunday Evening Reflection: Desiderata

  Tonight, I am going back in time to the moment I first heard Desiderata, which is Latin for “things desired”. It was the beginning of a new year and a new decade – 1970. A poster designed to look like ancient parchment with the Desiderata written boldly in an elegant script was a treasuredContinue reading “Sunday Evening Reflection: Desiderata”

The Story Pole

“All that we are is story. From the moment we are born to the time we continue on our spirit journey, we are involved in the creation of the story of our time here.” Richard Wagamese June 21, 2019, Canada is celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day (French: Journée nationale des peuples autochtones) to recognize theContinue reading “The Story Pole”